Air Curtain Range for extreme
large and exposed industrial doors Customized Length
Ambient - Heating on request
Horizontal Mounting - bottom - up
Screening height : max. 8,0 m
Screening height > 8,0 m consult factor
Screening Width : 12,0 m (2 x systems)
Based on the theorem of momentum subairplus industrial Air Curtains provide
an effective screening for extremely wide and high doors : due to the fact that no
sensible comfort performance is required, the Air Curtains can operate with high
velocities ( up to 45 m/s ) and reduced mass flow.
Bottom -up Air Curtain flow protects the critical floor area, where outside air
penetrates the hall due to building immanent internal convection.
A minimum distance between the upper edge of the door and the hall ceiling level
is essential -otherwise the Air Curtain stream + induced air volumes will flow
towards the inside, reinforced by Coanda-Effekt.
If very high Air Curtain flow velocities are needed for good screening and the
ceiling height is too low or a sectional overhead door is installed an outside system
is advised - absorbed outside air is expelled at the needed velocity along the
outside front of the building.